
Directx 12 win 8.1
Directx 12 win 8.1

directx 12 win 8.1

This process will not downgrade the DirectX 10/11/12 that are installed on your computer. If you need to install DirectX 9 on your Windows 10 or Windows 8, you can follow the guide mentioned above to do the job. DirectX 9ĭirectX 9 is available in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. DirectX 10ĭirectX 10 is available in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. You can click it to get the Update for Windows Vista (KB971512). However, if the Platform Update has been installed on Windows Vista, DirectX 11.0 can also be available.

directx 12 win 8.1

DirectX 11.0ĭirectX 11.0 is for Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. Besides, if the Platform Update has been installed on Windows 7, DirectX 11.1 can also be available. DirectX 11.1ĭirectX 11.1 is available for Windows 10 and Windows 8. There is no available standalone DirectX 11.2 download source. Likewise, the related DirectX 11.2 update files are only available in those Windows Update. DirectX 11.2ĭirectX 11.2 is only for Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Like DirectX 12, you can only get the DirectX 11.4 & 11.3 update from the Windows 10 update. DirectX 11.4 & 11.3īoth DirectX 11.4 and DirectX 11.3 are only for Windows 10. There is no available standalone version of DirectX 12.

directx 12 win 8.1

You can only get the DirectX 12 related update files through Windows 10 update. DirectX 12ĭirectX 12 is included with Windows 10 and it is only supported in Windows 10. To help you decide whether to update DirectX, we show you the corresponding DirectX versions for different Windows operating systems. You need to make a confirmation according to your actual situation. In fact, not all Windows versions need to update to the latest DirectX versions because some DirectX versions are just for special Windows versions. After these steps, you can go to check whether the DirectX issues you encounter are disappeared.

Directx 12 win 8.1